Hi! First of all I'm newbie using wireshark, I also got common network knownledge. I've got a network captured file, with 50k packets, it's from a big institution, and I need to know two things about it:
In my capture I see that 99% of ip's are 172.16.X.X, so I asume that's ClasFul B, and most ppackets go to, so I supose that's the default gateway, but how can I be more sure? Some type of filter? Thanks a lot! asked 14 May '14, 06:33 rul3s |
One Answer:
There are several options to conclude the netmask based on the traffic in the capture file.
Regarding the default gateway.
Regards answered 14 May '14, 14:49 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Also, if there is IPv6 traffic, look for Router Advertisements. You will then know the MAC of the Router and can filter on that MAC to learn the IPv4 address.
Mate!! Thanks you so much, perfect answer!!! :)