guys i captured an image in wireshark. But it is encrypted in the form like that. this is a piece of it how can i decrypt it ?> .PNG . ... IHDR.............#.......gAMA......a.....sRGB.........PLTE..............F.7"....../r...................................................G....../r...........6#..H..F............/r.... 111......%%%.6"..................[email protected]@@...........GJJJ...EEE...:::...............777.........]]]......ppp===...hhh.........MMM...mmm.7"...""" ccc(((............```...444.........0p... ..zyz..............D...BBB}}}'''eee....1..7#..F....0.jjjZZZ..B...{{{.6".. GGG.$..:.-f..{:..80o..t9.A ......../..>.).....J"#.......%.d0...-h..,..[..A....4!. J.m4.k./m.. .)a....:..#V..B.E......R'']..2!..)]Q. .K..+..D._. .#U"P..?..G..7t....!..%... asked 19 May '14, 10:17 vancer |
One Answer:
What you have posted is the PNG file structure (at least parts of it). There is no need to decrypt that. If you want to see the image itself, you should save/export it and then open it in any image viewer. This works well for images in HTTP connections
If the connection is encrypted (HTTPS), this will not work, unless you are able to decrypt it. If the protocol is not HTTP, there is no easy way to export the image. If that is the case, please comment my answer and I'll let you know what to do. Regards answered 19 May '14, 11:32 Kurt Knochner ♦ |