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How do you enable fabricpath decodes in wireshark under windows?


Running Wireshark 1.7.10 on Windows 7 and I the Help files list support for Cisco FabricPath Protocol, But when I run a packet capture from a fabricpath switch, I can See the ethertype II FRame and everything below that is just Data, No IP addresses etc because there is a fabric path header that wireshark does not seem to understand.. How Can I enable this decode/dissector under this version of wireshark on windows

asked 23 May '14, 13:04

canetto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


If you made a typo and you are using 1.10.7 have you enabled the dissector?

Edit - Preferences - Protocols - CFP - Enable dissector

CFP was introduced in version 1.8.0 so if you are using 1.7.1 please upgrade to the latest version.

answered 24 May '14, 02:32

Roland's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%