In the following version... TShark 1.10.7 (v1.10.7-0-g6b931a1 from master-1.10) Is this expected?
Why is there such a difference in counts and what should it be? asked 30 May ‘14, 12:52 loner_t edited 30 May ‘14, 13:46 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
because you are using -q (be quiet) in the first case, which tells tshark to not print a line for every packet in the capture file. As you did not use -q in the second case, you are getting a much larger number of lines, one per frame in the pcap file. That's totally expected behavior. See the man page of tshark. Regards answered 31 May '14, 07:19 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Thanks, Kurt. The reason for not using -q in second one was to see and count of actual packets with radius.code==2.
Also, even though my interval is set to 0 in both cases, tshark uses 407.0 seconds as an interval. The man page says, if interval is set to 0, the count function is over the entire duration of the capture, which in my specific case is roughly 24 hours.
Am I interpreting the man page correctly? The goal is to count the number of packets with radius.code==2 accurately.
Then please try this (not tested):