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Get SNR from WLAN capture.


I'm trying to compare Omnipeek to Wireshark/AirPCap.

I downloaded a few 802.11 captures from sample section so I'm just trying to compare the 2, omnipeek has column for SNR dBm and I am trying to see if wireshark can display the same SNR from the wireless clients.

If anyone is running AirPcap are you able to easily the SNR value of your 802.11 clients?

asked 04 Apr '11, 12:31

SteveO86's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Feb '12, 20:26

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦

One Answer:


Wireshark currently can display the signal and noise values as columns if they're present in the capture, as they can be with radiotap or PPI captures. AirPcap can supply both radiotap and PPI headers; at least in my test with an original AirPcap adapter, the radiotap headers it supplies have both signal and noise in dBm. The SNR would be the difference between the signal and noise values in dBm (as dB are a logarithmic measure, a "ratio" between two values measured in dB would be the difference between the two values).

Wireshark doesn't currently calculate an SNR from signal and noise values, so it can't directly display the SNR.

answered 27 Oct '12, 13:26

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%