When I run nmake -g makefile.nmake all. this is what error I get in the end.
How to solve this? asked 04 Jun ‘14, 12:15 aman edited 04 Jun ‘14, 14:16 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
Please use the "Code" formatting button to correctly format code or terminal output so it can be easily viewed. In addition, when cutting code from the terminal please ensure you cut the whole of the text, your post above was missing a character either at the start, or more likely the end of the line. I've fixed that where I can. You build environment seems to be messed up. You are performing a 32 bit link The link errors indicate that the linker could't find the referenced functions in the supplied list of libraries. Maybe this is because the link is 32 bit and the libraries are 64 bit. As suggested elsewhere in one of your other questions about build issues, I strongly suggest that you concentrate on building a 32 bit version first, and then move on to a 64 bit version if you really need to. answered 04 Jun '14, 14:25 grahamb ♦ |