I'm looking for a basic view of who is talking to who on the network. With TCPdump i was using tcpdump -q. It gave me IP to IP and what port. no more no less. Is that possible with tshark? asked 10 Jun '14, 20:48 dc2a |
2 Answers:
You can change the column format of tshark to get a similar output (ports are not 'attached' to the IP addresses with a dot), with the following option: -o gui.column.format
Another option would be the stats module of tshark
Result (will show some details about the conversations as well)
Regards answered 12 Jun '14, 07:19 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 12 Jun '14, 07:23 |
You might try the -Tfields option along with the -e options to define the columns you want to see. answered 10 Jun '14, 21:22 Rooster_50 |