How to count the number of "syn", "syn+ack", and "ack" packets transferred in each second for some hours. I need to build a time series on that. Thanks in advance Varun asked 11 Jun '14, 03:08 Varun Tharol |
One Answer:
You can use the IO graph for that
Then use the following filters Graph1: The last filter is a bit long (maybe there is a better one) and it will only work if you have enabled relative sequence numbers for the TCP protocol (default setting in Wireshark). Let Wireshark draw the graphs (X-Axis tick interval 1 second) and then click on the 'Copy' button. This will copy the values for the three graphs into the clipboard from where you can copy it to a spreadsheet or an editor. Regards answered 11 Jun '14, 10:58 Kurt Knochner ♦ It works. Thank you very much brother. (12 Jun '14, 01:17) Varun Tharol good! Hint: If a supplied answer resolves your question can you please "accept" it by clicking the checkmark icon next to it. This highlights good answers for the benefit of subsequent users with the same or similar questions. (12 Jun '14, 04:58) Kurt Knochner ♦ Sure....... (14 Jun '14, 05:35) Varun Tharol |
do you mean "all ACK packets" or just the ones that are part of a TCP handshake?
The ones that are part of a TCP handshake.