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USB or Mini PCIe NIC for Wireshark? HELP!


Does anyone know of a good mini half card for a laptop or usb NIC that supports raw, monitoring, or promiscuous mode? I am not having any luck on manufacturors websites or through email help.

asked 06 Apr '11, 08:13

are_we_hvn_fun_yet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Most if not all Ethernet adapters should support promiscuous mode.

On Windows, NO regular 802.11 adapters support monitor mode in Wireshark, and they don't support promiscuous mode, either. If you want to capture raw 802.11 traffic, you'll need an AirPcap adapter, which is a USB device that acts only as a network traffic capture device (i.e., it won't act as a regular network adapter).

On Linux and *BSD, many 802.11 adapters support monitor mode - probably most do, including the ones built into laptops.

In Mac OS X, the AirPort adapters built into laptops and iMacs support monitor mode.

answered 06 Apr '11, 09:16

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%