Considering some traffic is more important to some than others. Is the expert window customizable to capture errors that we see as more serious than others that are predefined? asked 15 Jun '14, 13:39 ciscokid1701d |
One Answer:
No. What is added to the expert info, is hard coded into the dissectors. If you want to change that behavior, you'll have to change the code of each and every dissector that adds expert info. Alternatively you could modify the 'expert' functions that are called by the dissectors and implement some kind of filtering system that is configurable through the GUI. In either case, you'll have to change the source code. A totally different alternative is to ignore the expert info window and to build your own coloring rules, based on the content of the expert fields
See also my answer to a similar question
Regards answered 15 Jun '14, 13:47 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 15 Jun '14, 14:55 |
there is one dissector (I could find) that has some configurable preferences. packet-ncp.c. For the rest, my answer above still applies.
packet-ncp.c checks the following preferences.