I'm trying to test a dissector plug in for wireshark in Linux by following these steps. When I use sudo make -C plugins, I get several similar compilation errors say that MySourceFileDissectorName.c: In function 'X': MySourceFileDissectorName.c:990:11: error: request for implicit conversion from 'gpointer' to 'some struct data type *' not permitted in C++ [-Werror=c++-compat] .... etc. I've no idea what the cause of the error or how can I resolve it. Any ideas or hints! Thanks in advance! asked 15 Jun '14, 14:18 flora |
One Answer:
The cause of the error is that
so we build the code with "-Werror=c++-compat". You resolve it by doing
rather than
answered 15 Jun ‘14, 15:49 Guy Harris ♦♦ Thank you. This solves the problem. (16 Jun ‘14, 09:24) flora |
You should not run your compiler as root. Neither should you run Wireshark as root.
Thanks for your comment but Why not?!
Because any program running as root has the ability to do many more harmful things to your system than a program running under your own user ID, so a bug (or misfeature!) in the compiler, or linker, or "make", or Wireshark, or... can cause more problems if you run the program as root than if you run it as yourself.
Thank you so much Guy! I've come across Jaap's comment several times in different contexts and just now I knew the reason behind that.