Hello i'm currently using wireshark-1.10.2 and i'm writing code for my own plugin by taking the existing reference code from wireshark i.e./epan/dissectors/packet-gsm_rlcmac.c and i'm using all API's which they are using in packet-gsm_rlcmac.c and i've included corresponding.h file in my code code is compiled but after starting wireshark its giving above mentioned error because its not able to get the definition of this function (csnStreamDissector()) in which definition is available in packet-csn1.c,this epan/dissectors is not creating any .so but my code is creating .so but able to get the definition if any one has idea about how to resolve the isssue please post comments here or any one can send there responses to my mail id :[email protected] ,please try to help us by resolving this issue.. asked 20 Jun '14, 05:23 sagar |
One Answer:
Those functions needs to be exported to be available by plugins on Windows. You could try a built in dissector instead. answered 20 Jun '14, 09:35 Anders ♦ |
Thanks, I will try the built in dissector method. But in general, is it possible to write a custom plugin based on CSN.1 encoding using the APIs provided by packet-csn1.
how to decode a message which is not mentioned in decode as and my message was compiled and it is showing in wireshark enable protocols but it is not mentioned the decode as filter,can any body help me..
Currently not as the API isn't exported. I think that is solved by adding WS_DLL_PUBLIC to the needed functions. This makes a plugin problematic as the Wireshark base for the plugin will have to have the changes incorporated and if you need a released version of Wireshark you will have to wait untill a released version with this changes are available.
That depends on how your dissector is called, via a TCP/UDP/SCTP port or? The decode as API has been greatly improved in the uppcomming 1.12 release. You may be better off working with that.
Have you considered contributing your code to Wireshark which would make all of this much simpler...