Hi, I have a packet capture taken on a proxy server. Should the normal sequence not be:
It seems like i am missing an ACK packet. And maybe this is why i get an HTTP not found? Or am i mistaken? asked 25 Jun '14, 02:50 Herbaliser edited 25 Jun '14, 03:00 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
No, you're not missing an ACK. In TCP, it is not necessary to have an ACK for every data packet. In this case, there is an ACK in the Not Found packet. You're getting Not Found simply because the page was not found, not because of a missing ACK. answered 25 Jun '14, 05:05 Jim Aragon |
Does received HTTP/1.1 404 packet is part of same session.The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.Would be easier to answer if you share the capture.
Capture can be found at: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=0eb9c351ad3f72d5&id=EB9C351AD3F72D5%21103&ithint=folder,.cap&authkey=!AFwAd1Uj4eQsg48
Hi,everything looks fine here,Generally, a Not Found status error (usually a 404 HTTP status code) is returned when we attempts to visit a page that doesn’t exist—either because you deleted or renamed it without redirecting the old URL to a new page, or because of a typo mistake in a link.