i am trying to see ldap search requests for the telephonenumber attribute and the responses so i can see the service response time statistics when a certain attribute is searched on. to find the search frames i would use "ldap.attributeDesc contains "phone"" but is it possible to also display the frame listed in "response_in"? asked 27 Jun '14, 12:05 410sean |
2 Answers:
Unfortunately, no. You can create another filter afterwards, which includes the response's frame number in an or'ed argument - i.e., " There have been other posts asking for this ability, but it's not easy to change the code to make this happen generically without bizarre/undesired side-effects. Some protocols have a specific ability to do this for certain cases - for example NFS has a preference to enable "fhandle" field display filter matching of both the request and response even if the field only exists in one or the other - but most protocols don't. answered 27 Jun '14, 13:40 Hadriel |
It can be done but it's a bit of work. You need to use MATE to do it. See the example MATE configuration file I posted on this answer for an idea. When I have that MATE config set up I can filter on answered 29 Jun '14, 05:48 JeffMorriss ♦ |