I want to get the IP of my friend by talking to him via voice, which capture interface do i use? We've tried all and only at 1 it shows up something (en1) the rest says "No packets captured!". I'm using mac and my friend is using windows. We tried over Skype, steam and teamspeak 3. asked 30 Jun '14, 07:06 Obsman |
One Answer:
I'm not entirely certain, but I believe some of these voice applications (like most multiplayer games) route the packets via a central server, i.e. you and your friend connect to that server and there isn't a direct connection between the two of you. answered 01 Jul '14, 01:39 grahamb ♦ |
If you go to System Preferences on your machine and click "Network", what network interfaces does it show, and which of them are listed as "Connected"?