hey. i'm trying to filter some specific result from 100K packets by mac addr. i can see the mac addr under "Source" and i even let wireshark filter for me (apply as filter>selected), and still when i press apply it shows nothing. i.e "eth.src == 00:0c:43:44:a1:a5" (yes, I Tx over eth not wlan) thx! asked 01 Jul '14, 02:58 AranZaiger |
One Answer:
If you apply the following filter on the sample capture file below, do you see any frames?
Sample capture file: http://wiki.wireshark.org/SampleCaptures?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=http_gzip.cap Case #1: TODO: Please post a sample capture file that should contain the mac address you mentioned. You can post it on google drive, dropbox or cloudshark.org. Case #2: TODO: Please post
Regards answered 01 Jul '14, 04:15 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
problame was half solved. worked when i used wlan.sa == <some mac="" addr="">