Hi, I am using wireshark with HP elitebook 8470p. When I try to capture double tagged packets, I see only one vlan, and when I try to capture single tagged packets, I see no vlan. I think I must do some configuration change on wireshark or ethernet card but couldnt find. Could you please help me? Thanks. asked 02 Jul '14, 11:02 Halil Burak ... |
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See my answers (and comments) to the following questions:
Regards answered 08 Jul '14, 08:49 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
What operating system are you running on your PC? Windows, Linux, some flavor of BSD, or something else? And what version of that operating system are you running? You might have to make some configuration change to the driver (Wireshark isn't involved in dropping the VLAN tags; it just gets what the OS hands it).
Thanks for help. I am using windows 7 and my Network Interface Card is Intel 82579LM. I heard that it is configurable on RegEdit at somewhere like below: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\00nn