Hi, I'm using windows-hosted Version 1.10.8 (v1.10.8-2-g52a5244 from master-1.10) and I expected to see support for the UDT protocol under the "Dissector tables" or "Supported Protocols" under internals. As such, a need a HOWTO for enabling the UDT disscetor and "following" the capture. Can I please get a pointer on how to do this? I see that the UDT dissector code is available and may have been submitted into the release process. Thank you. asked 02 Jul '14, 15:13 IP Services edited 02 Jul '14, 15:14 |
One Answer:
If the UDT protocol you're referring to is the one whose dissector was submitted in bug 8741, then the HOWTO is a simple one-step process:
It was submitted to the release process, but was not added to 1.10.x, so you shouldn't expect to see support for it in 1.10.8. answered 02 Jul '14, 16:08 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
Did the trick, thank you.