Iam developing a dissector
i have used value string
static const value_string fwd_type_vals[]={
{0x00, "undefined" },
{ 0x01, " Info" },
{ 0, NULL }};
{ &hf_type,
{ "Com Type ", "com_type",FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(fwd_type_vals), 0x80, NULL, HFILL }
},</code></pre><p>Iam using Bitmask 0x80 here and when i use to call this i get the output as</p><pre><code> 1... .... = com Type : 0x01 (info)</code></pre><p>How can i format and display only com Type : 0x01 (info) how to trim/remove this</p><pre><code> 1... ....=</code></pre><p>Please help!</p><p>Thanks!</p></div><div id="question-tags" class="tags-container tags"><span class="post-tag tag-link-value_string" rel="tag" title="see questions tagged 'value_string'">value_string</span> <span class="post-tag tag-link-format" rel="tag" title="see questions tagged 'format'">format</span></div><div id="question-controls" class="post-controls"></div><div class="post-update-info-container"><div class="post-update-info post-update-info-user"><p>asked <strong>04 Jul '14, 03:23</strong></p><img src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/1339589a92af9455063c09e56bfc6299?s=32&d=identicon&r=g" class="gravatar" width="32" height="32" alt="umar's gravatar image" /><p><span>umar</span><br />
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