I am capturing GED 125 protocol and I can see the packets as TCP but not as GED 125 protocol packets. As I saw the wireshark support ged 125 protocol in my version (1.10.8) but still can’t see. How I can see them ? asked 10 Jul '14, 09:59 eranmos |
One Answer:
Did you try to specify the port number used (Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> GED125 -> GED125 TCP port)? answered 10 Jul '14, 11:10 Pascal Quantin |
Yes, but its did't help i still cant see GED packets
The dissector checks that the packet length is at least 12 bytes long and that the message type is a known value before doing the dissection. Maybe your messages are not supported by the current dissector. Could you share a capture?