Hi All, I found out that Wireshark could decode MUX 27.010 protocol, which if confirmed would be of great help to me. Please note for the below that I'm working with both Linux and Windows. So any hint for one or the otehr OS is welcome. 1/ In windows, I've read here and there that there is no way to capture directly traffic over RS232 interface through Wireshark. I came to the conclusion that I should capture the MUX traffic in raw mode, and this not obviously not an issue for both windows and OS. Is my understanding right ? 2/ Assuming that I well understood in 1/, once I have the MUX traffic captured in a file, I suppose I need to process it to make it readable by Wireshark. The point is that all the tools I found are related to network interfaces and IP traffic which MUX 27010 is not. 3/ Additionally, Once I'm able to decode MUX traffic, I would like also to decode the PPP traffic running in one of the virtual channels established iby the MUX protocol. I've not yet investigated since I need first to sort out points 1 and 2. Thanks asked 15 Jul '14, 05:12 Moema |
One Answer:
I found part of the answer : File > Import from hexdump. Choose the file and select MUX27010. Issue I tried different format of hex file, once imported either no decoded packets appear or it says my packet is corrupted and indeed there is the last byte (MUX flag 0xf9) missing while it is in my original packet answered 15 Jul '14, 17:23 Moema |