I want to convert : To charasked 18 Jul '14, 05:09 UserD edited 18 Jul '14, 05:13 Jasper ♦♦ |
One Answer:
Not really a Wireshark topic, but you could use hex editors like 010 Editor to "paste from hex text". But since your hex values are not really characters (ASCII range) you'll get binary stuff anyway, so "converting to char" is not really going to happen. answered 18 Jul '14, 05:17 Jasper ♦♦ |
I want to remove the tcp header from file : ÐÉS/¤ 6 6 '"ùªÒ’i#– E (6Ì@ €ÑÀ¨£E«æ »¼þÁ #?³6PäKv ÐÉS¿ 6 6 Ò’i#– '"ùª E (Bü@ 2—uQVÀ¨£ P éÖ:Ê£yņ>P @– ÐÉSî‘ ê ê Ò’i#– '"ùª E ÜBý@ 2‘ÀQVÀ¨£ P éÖ:Ê£yņ>P @MÉ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 12:19:29 GMT
To appear in raw format but I can't and I save the file in ASCII..any suggestion with raw format?
What you pasted does not contain the HTTP/1.1 strings, so I guess it's deflated/packed payload. In that case you're stuck.
If you only want to see the http strings you could add a custom column, using the expression "expert.message". Of course that will give you all expert messages, so next you need to export the packet list as csv (via File -> Export Packet Dissections -> as CSV), open the .csv file in Excel (or any other spread sheet tool) and sort by the message column.