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could the file name parameter in tshark be chinese characters?


when I use tshark -r chinese-characters.cap such as "tshark -r 中文.cap" It says that the file name is invalid. How could I resolve this problem?


asked 13 Apr '11, 07:47

janequeen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


The obvious workaround is to either rename the file before opening it with tshark (or create a link or shortcut to the original file).

Which version of tshark are you running? I believe there has been some work done recently on handling non-ascii filenames. Could you try version 1.5.1?

answered 13 Apr '11, 07:59

SYN-bit's gravatar image

SYN-bit ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Thanks. version 1.5.1 supports non-ascii filenames.

(14 Apr '11, 05:47) janequeen

Good to hear you were able to solve your issue with version 1.5.1!

(I changed your "answer" to a "comment", as that's the way this site works best, please see the FAQ. Also, to get this question of the "unanswered questions" list, you can accept an answer by clicking on the checkmark on the left of the answer)

(14 Apr '11, 11:12) SYN-bit ♦♦