Hi I have an apache server, which has a php code. from that php code I am calling python script to turn on the led. When I request the address from the web browser, it works fine, but when I request it from my office panel, it doesnt work. I can not do any changes to my office panel. from wireshark files I have observed that http request is different. When I request from web browser it request with host info,connection type, cache control. but when I request it from panel it doesnt have host info cache control and connection type. I am new to networking world. Please help me out asked 31 Jul '14, 03:53 zain_mbed |
One Answer:
here are some thoughts.
Apparently the request generated by your 'office panel' (what is that?), does not work, because there is either something missing (you mentioned the Host: header), or the request is broken in another way (wrong headers, wrong request, etc.). If the Host: header is missing, and Apache won't know how to process the request (depends on the apache configuration), as the Host: header helps Apache to identify the virtual host configuration. So, that's most likely the problem. Please ask your local Apache guru how to configure Apache in a way to accept the request without Host: header and to process it within the virtual host config that hosts your PHP code. However: If your PHP code is hosted on a rented multi-domain server, that won't be possible! In that case, you'l have to fix your 'office panel'.
Well, then there is no solution for you, other than configuring the web server, as I said above. Regards answered 31 Jul '14, 23:55 Kurt Knochner ♦ Thank you Kurt for such a detailed reply. I would like you to ask, how can I configure my apache server in a way that it entertain the requests without header info. Kindly help me out. It is my first task. I have completed it, I just want to integrate it with panel (01 Aug '14, 02:22) zain_mbed
well, that's 'kind of' out of scope of this site and it depends on your current config. Please ask your local Apache guru or read the docs. (01 Aug '14, 05:13) Kurt Knochner ♦ I have set a virtual host, kindly can any one assist me that how can I set up my server so that it can entertain requests without header information :/ (01 Aug '14, 09:03) zain_mbed
That should not be your goal. The HTTP RFC requires a Host: header to exist in a valid HTTP version 1.1 request. What you are trying to do is force Apache to respond to an invalid HTTP request, and like I said, that should not be your goal. Your goal should be to figure out how to modify the client so that it sends a RFC-compliant HTTP request to your webserver. I doubt anyone in this type of forum will be inclined to help you configure your webserver in this manner. And as Kurt clearly stated, configuring Apache is sort of outside the scope of this forum. You might get better results posting something to an Apache forum. (01 Aug '14, 09:30) smp |
Post the capture files to cloudshark for us to have a look.