Hi I am creating SSl pop3 server.when i am check my function through telnet-ssl command it will working fine i am able to all the pop3 commands.But when configure it through thunder bird.It will get encrypted data like at teriminal Command Command ::�PXI!UY��E New connection from The client has sent :string(147) "���#���yF4����օ��[0�R=�21\���F`F �� �����32ED98����� /A5���� � i dont understand how i can decrypt.I search lot of but i didn't find any thing. asked 01 Aug '14, 02:41 manishk closed 01 Aug '14, 05:18 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
This is clearly a configuration question for your POP3 server product and thus unrelated to Wireshark, which this site is all about. Please ask your question in a forum of your POP3 server 'vendor'.