tshark -nr C:\Users\Ravi kiran\Documents\atctest1.pcap -R "smpp.command_id == 0x80000004" -T fields -E header=y -E separator=; -e frame.time_relative -e frame.number my out put: tshark: Read filters were specified both with "-R" and with additional command-l ine arguments. asked 04 Aug '14, 04:35 newbeets |
One Answer:
looks like a quote problem in the DoS box, due to the blank in the path. Please try this:
Regards answered 04 Aug '14, 14:54 Kurt Knochner ♦ Thank you Kurt,Its resolved. (05 Aug '14, 05:53) newbeets good to hear! (05 Aug '14, 06:54) Kurt Knochner ♦ |
tshark version?
Tshark 1.8.2