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DHCPv6 packets not seen


Hi All,

Let me describe my situation:

I am trying to check for the DHCPv6 packets (mainly solicit messages) sent to the Router from the CMTS.

I have a PC which is connected behind a CMTS in my environment , basically connected to the Switch belonging to the CMTS. And I am able to get any data coming from the CMTS to the Router. I am running wireshark on this particular windows 7 PC and sniffing on the mentioned WAN side But I am unable to sniff "DHCPv6 packets" . My sniffed interface has both Ipv6 and Ipv4 address.

whereas If i sniff on the DHCPv6 server machine itself using wireshark I can see the packets . The server machine is a Fedora linux one.

I am using wireshar 1.12 and i can see "DHCPv6" protocol enabled under the "enabled protcols" and I can even sniff icmpv6 and other packets , but not DHCPv6 ones

asked 19 Aug '14, 14:12

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Gourab Majumdar
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I'm sorry, but for me it's unclear how your environment looks like and where exactly you were sniffing. You are talking about a Cable modem (CMTS??) a router and a Linux DHCP server. Can you please add a drawing of your environment and where exactly you were capturing the traffic.

  • Where is the Linux DHCP server located in relation to the router and the CMTS
  • Where exactly did you try to capture DHCPv6 traffic
(25 Aug '14, 16:11) Kurt Knochner ♦

The setup is as follows :

alt text

DHCP linux server is beyond the CMTS . I am trying to capture packets on my win7 PC which is connected to the WAN side interface and is on the same network subnet as the CMTS or DHCPv6 server.

(25 Aug '14, 18:21) Gourab Majumdar