Hi guys. The first image is showing Bandwidth & Delay advertised by EIGRP Update message sent to other side over se 0/0 and captured by Wireshark. The second one shows Bandwidth & Delay for interface se 0/0, reported by "show interface" command. my question is; why those different??what's the scale for Bw & Dly in wireshark?? asked 23 Aug '14, 12:18 M_Bazgir edited 23 Aug '14, 20:47 |
One Answer:
According to the master source code the packet details are as follows:
So both the Scaled Delay and Scaled Bandwidth are dissected as big endian 32 bit values directly from the packet. The delay field, as you can see if you select the field and look at the full field info in the status bar, is in "39.1 nanosec interments". So, 512000 * 39.1 nS = 20019.2 uS. For the bandwidth field, the field info says it is in "units of 1Kbit/sec", but I can't think of a way to make the field value of 1657856 come out to 1544 KBit unless it's maybe counting for extra serial bits, e.g. start\stop\parity. answered 24 Aug '14, 02:11 grahamb ♦ edited 24 Aug '14, 10:33 |
That's my answer,great. but I think you should pay more attention to your mathematical skills, because "512000*39.1 nS = 20019.92 uS " ;-) thanks alot.
Looks more like a typo to me, plus you should accept Grahams answer with the check mark button to make it clear to others ;-)
It was a typo, both Windows calculator and Google agree the answer is 20019.2us. I've amended the answer.
@Jasper thanks for your mention. ;-) I did it. :)
@grahamb Again thanks, your answer was so perfect.