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Low throughput when retrieving data from remote server


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Dear all,

I need help in deciphering the packet capture from one of our customer's local server( The issue is it is getting low throughput to retrieve data from remote server. From what I see, remote end is sending 2 packets,a full sized and a small packet with PUSH bit set. Also, I noticed that the server is send 2 ACK packets, one ACK only and one with ACK+PUSH. Base on the capture:

  1. Once remote end sends packet with PSH set, it will wait for "instruction" from local server.
  2. Between Last ACK from local server, delay is 300ms.
  3. Local server is not piggybacking ACK. Sends separate packet for data, may indicate no delayed ACK enabled.

Is my observation correct?

asked 28 Aug '14, 10:40

sam_01's gravatar image

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edited 28 Aug '14, 10:43

One Answer:


I think on this occasion you can largely ignore the TCP ACKs etc. You have a client process that sends a 16 byte Request APDU to a service ( on TCP port 4100). After about 300 ms you see the Response APDU split across two packets. If this trace was was captured adjacent to the service then the Service Time is 300 ms. If it was captured adjacent to the client you'll need to know the network Round Trip Time (RTT) to determine if it's a Service Time issue.

You could get a better insight using TRANSUM ( ). If you don't fancy that you may still want to read the RTE Model section of the TRANSUM manual.

Best regards...Paul

answered 28 Aug '14, 15:08

PaulOfford's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%