I have a UNIX server that has two network interfaces, once for incoming traffic and one for outgoing traffic. I can a SNOOP on each interface as audio-content was sent through my server. Afterwards, I can analyze my SNOOPs and 'follow TCP stream' to find the exact audio files, proving they went in and out of my server. However, I need to compare the size of the files to ensure that my server didn't strip the files, sending out an empty 'shell'. The only way I can think of finding the size of the packets is to look at the MAIN view in Wireshark and click packet-by-packet until I see something relating to my audio files in the lower preview window. My SNOOP has 1000+ lines - is there an easier way to locate the exact raw packet for my audio data (to determine it's size) by searching on a phrase within the packet's content? asked 30 Aug '14, 07:15 guiltyspark232 |
2 Answers:
I may have misunderstood the question but it sounds like you need to do a Find (Ctl-F) with:
Best regards...Paul answered 30 Aug '14, 14:16 PaulOfford |
You can try the following display filter
Regards answered 31 Aug '14, 04:24 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Thank you, that's the answer, I wasn't looking closely at the FIND feature. When I use this feature, it finds the first packet in the packet list with my phrase in the TCP stream; how can I move to the next packet it's found? I notice the FIND window disappears when viewing the first result.
Find Next (Ctrl + N).
There's also Find Previous (Ctrl + B)
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