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Can anybody help me to create wireshark batch file?


I need to create bat file recording all data from two hosts ( or and:

  • store in subfolder (C:\CDR) as file name_date_starthour.txt
  • each 1Mb
  • start with windows and restart after crash

Can someone help me?

my first bat: wireshark -B 10 -i any -f " and" -k \ -b filesize:10240 -w E:\CDR\wireshark_date +%m%d

not working (invalid argument: +d')

with hints from:

asked 01 Sep '14, 02:10

invoso's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Sep '14, 15:13

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦

One Answer:


You don't need the "_date +%m%d" part at the end, because the -b parameter will add full date and time to the filename automatically. Try with "-w E:\CDR\wireshark.pcapng" at the end instead.

answered 01 Sep '14, 03:14

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

wireshark return: "you can't specify both a live capture and a capture file to be read"

Is possible to run two different instances of wireshark on one machine?

(01 Sep '14, 05:18) invoso

yes, but you should use two dumpcap instances instead. Wireshark doesn't capture packets anyway, it starts a dumpcap process each time. See

(01 Sep '14, 06:11) Jasper ♦♦

Why wireshark return: "you can't specify both a live capture and a capture file to be read"?

(01 Sep '14, 11:26) invoso