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RST flag after PSH, ACK


Hi, i got two applications - client and server talking to each other. After they both are executed, client sends message to server - in wireshark i see PSH, ACK packet coming. Server gets data, but server replies on it with RST packet, and client got 0 bytes received - my question is way this happening ? Server is not doing any close syscall...

Thx in advance fot any help

asked 06 Sep '14, 08:26

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Wojciech Jed...
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If the server doesn't issue the close it's probably some security software running on the platform. What are the operating systems of client and server? Where did you trace? Can you upload a sample trace to Rgds Matthias

(06 Sep '14, 22:52) mrEEde

It appeared that if server was killed, client didnt do anything with connection; therefore for new instance of server executed client was sending thoroght connection that has been alerady finished by one side, and i suppose therefore server send RST flag. This is my observation - do you think it can be possible ?

(07 Sep '14, 06:02) Wojciech Jed...