Hi, I am placed 400 diameter calls and capturing them in wirehsark. Now I need to extract information from capture as below.
All the initial request sent are sent in individual frames so there is one packet for one request sent. Hence I am able to extract arrival time using PDML. Its because, I have 4000 different arrival times for 4000 different initial requests sent. But, the answers come from server as merged packets. So I have 1 arrival time for 4 different packets merged inside single. So I have only 1500 arrival times for 4000 different diameter answers received. Now, I need to map arrival times to the sent requests. Is there any way to extract such information? Note that, I dont want response time. I want frame sent time and arrival time. In short, I dont want merge packets. Is there any way I can split packets to individual and then extract arrival time? Let me know please if need more clarification. Thank you for your support in advance. Please help. Thanks, Vidhi. asked 18 Sep '14, 20:38 Vidhi |
One Answer:
On wireshark 1.12 try the exported PDU function. answered 19 Sep '14, 12:43 Anders ♦ |