Does tshark have option 82 suboptions filter to display printable text? Applying circuit-id and remote-id will have hex value. In Wireshark we can analyze these hex value correlates to printable text. What is the tshark filter to get option 82 printable text? Here is the example of data obtained from wireshark. How it's done in tshark? Applied as filter: bootp.option.agent_information_option.agent_remote_id == 36:34:3a:37:36:3a:62:61:3a:39:37:3a:34:33:3a:34:38 Value: 36:34:3a:37:36:3a:62:61:3a:39:37:3a:34:33:3a:34:38 offset hex text: 0000 36 34 3a 37 36 3a 62 61 3a 39 37 3a 34 33 3a 34 46:67:ab:97:34:8 0010 38 4 Offset hex: 0000 36 34 3a 37 36 3a 62 61 3a 39 37 3a 34 33 3a 34 0010 38 printable text: 46:67:ba:79:43:84 asked 24 Sep '14, 10:54 tterminal |