Hello, I have been searching for the last 60 minutes (30 of them here), so forgive me if I missed it, but this is driving me nuts.. I am currently working through the "Troubleshooting with wireshark" book from Laura Chapell (excellent stuff BTW, always good to start again) but I am currently having difficulty with something technically trivial imho :/ I added a Custom Column for frame.time_delta_displayed, all good. I changed my time format to ms (which only seems to actually affect the original Time column??) But now when I sort on the column by clicking twice, it only sorts the whole numbers, anything after the decimal doesn't seem to interest it?? i.e 5.223137000 4.000378000 1.000000000 0.000154000 0.003407000 Can someone tell me how I: A: Get my custom time fields to also display ms ( I assume I am going file editing somewhere but can't find it yet) b: How I can then get the columns to sort properly.. In the book they are okay, just not on my pc..(I found a semi related question with an answer about the sorting gtk being used not doing certain things??) latest version 1.12.1, tried this on Windows 7, Ubuntu/Mint Thx Darren asked 29 Sep '14, 12:46 DarrenWright |
One Answer:
The sorting problem (at least for tcp.time_delta) is a known bug: https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8964 The modifiable granularity of the time stamps seems to apply to non-custom columns only. So you might want to use the following column settings to achieve this. Regards Matthias answered 29 Sep '14, 13:48 mrEEde |
Thx, thought I was going mad.
The Delta Time was what I wanted :D sometimes we can really overcomplicate the simplest of things. As I see this is the FRAME Delta, I assume there is currently no built in TCP delta?
As for the bug, I just looked into it, it sems to affect all custom columns, if I take a built in column it works fine.
Ah well,you can't have everything all the time. Thanks for the help, it's good. (and yes: location Germany. This bug is annyoing as hell.. CSV files have the same thing as here a ; is used instead of a ,)
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