Packets are being sent from my Windows 8.1 Pro system to (ICMP ECHO packets). ARIN believes that IP is in a broad range of Amazon IPs. Given that, I have no Amazon tasks, services, web sites, applications, apps that are running (to my knowledge). MS Outlook 2013 is running, and there are some messages (not read or open) from Amazon. So, how would I achieve finding the true identity of the software sending the packets from my system? Other packets went out to Amazon's set of IP sites too, but nothing seemed to identify the source of the transmitted packets. Given that I have a piece of software that began failing yesterday within a 24 hour period, I am snooping around for a cause (yet to be determined). Thank you for help in any fashion. Srosxi asked 10 Oct '14, 08:51 Srosxi |
One Answer:
Try using Message Analyser from Microsoft, as well as capturing the traffic, I believe that can show you the sending process as well. answered 10 Oct '14, 09:20 grahamb ♦ |