Hi, Im trying to open a .pcap file but with no luck. I was told I need an older version of Wireshark to open it (no idea why) But I tried 1.6.6, 1.7.1, 1.8.6 and the newest, but without any luck It is a sample od DSS1 communication. Can anyone help? File can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/piub0v87leqocst/SS_zadani_protokol_C.pcap asked 12 Oct '14, 14:50 Salamander |
One Answer:
That's because that file is not a PCAP file, it's plain ASCII you can open in any text editor. answered 12 Oct '14, 14:56 Jasper ♦♦ |
Jesus, I feel really stupid :D Any way to import it to WS?
No, I don't think Wireshark can read files like that.
You may be lucky and be able to convert the file from ASCII to PCAP binary format by using text2pcap (a command line tool installed together with Wireshark), but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle - your file doesn't look like it's formatted in a way you can convert it, but I may be wrong.
but the weird thing is that the file really worked on Wireshark on another machine ... it was version 1.6.6, and it was imported with no problem