Hello, I am trying to stream MPEG2TS using IEEE1722 protocol. I am referring IEC61883-4 standard to transmit compressed video and monitoring it at the listener end using Wireshark. Now i am facing the following issues and I fell Wireshark AVB dissector does have limitations... 1> As per 1722 standard if SPH = 1 (in CIP# header) than FDF shuold be expanded to 24bit overlapping SYT field. But I can see both SYS and FDF field though SPH = 1 . Can any one please help me to identify in case I am doing any thing wring thanks asked 28 Oct '14, 04:31 Hrusikesh Padhy |
One Answer:
Hi, I think that Wireshark is at fault here and currently displays all 1722 data as audio data, regardless of the actual composition of the 61883-Header. I've also implemented a 61883-4 MPEG2-TS-stream via AVB and face the same problem - Wireshark display the payload as audio, despite the fact that the FMT field is set to 0x20. Furthermore I've created a custom stream (not using the 61883 interface at all), so I set the 1722 Subtype field to 0x6F (vendor specific) and the Tag field to 0x0, indicating that there's no 61883 header in this packet. Nonetheless, Wireshark interprets the data in my packet as "audio data" and even decodes the first 8 byte of the payload as a 61883 header. answered 14 Nov '14, 02:53 clancy688 |
If you think that Wireshark requires improvement, please raise an item at the Wireshark Bugzilla, adding a capture file that illustrates the issue.
Hello Graham,
alright, I'll do that!