I have two machines set up. Reading an identical saved .pcap file, one machine's wireshark installation comes up with an error: "The capture file appears to have been cut short in the middle of a packet." The other machine displays the results precisely as expected. What could cause this difference? They are both running windows 7 64-bit with wireshark 1.12.1 installed. asked 28 Oct '14, 07:46 11bkrain |
One Answer:
Make sure you transfer it as a binary file. answered 28 Oct '14, 08:19 Anders ♦ that worked, awesome! Thanks (28 Oct '14, 08:45) 11bkrain @11bkrain: If a supplied answer resolves your question can you please "accept" it by clicking the checkmark icon next to it. This highlights good answers for the benefit of subsequent users with the same or similar questions. For extra points you can up-vote the answer (thumb up). (28 Oct '14, 08:52) Kurt Knochner ♦ |
How did you transfer the PCAP file from one to the other? FTP maybe?
Yeah, I'm using WinSCP to FTP the .pcap file
from a third party server