i have a tata photon usb modem.. i have installed winpcap. bt it doesnot showes it in the list of interface list ... now what i have to do to capture the data trafic from my usb modem.. i have also ethernet driver installed on my system... pls help me asked 02 Nov '14, 01:01 Rahul Mourya |
One Answer:
As you noticed, WinPcap is not able to see those interfaces. So the only remaining options are:
answered 02 Nov '14, 04:12 Pascal Quantin |
bt usbpcap is also not working....
Are you sure you followed USBPcap tutorial properly? Are USB packets captured, but not decoded, or USB packets are not captured? USB decoding usually needs the USB enumeration capture so as to know how to decode the traffic. Ensure to start USBPcap before plugging you modem.