Hi, Does someone know the reason for keeping the types as different ? gtpv2.teid displayed value is in decimal for gtpv2.teid however hex for gtpv2.f_teid_gre_key. This is inconvenient while analysing GTP flows. Can we please make the gtpv2.teid as HEX as well. As a reference, I came across the following thread https://ask.wireshark.org/questions/24221/decode-gtpv2-teid-as-decimal-or-hex which accepted the change from decimal to hex but probably did it just for later and not former field. 5345 { &hf_gtpv2_t, 5346 {"TEID flag (T)", "gtpv2.t", 5347 FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x08, 5348 "If TEID field is present or not", HFILL} 5349 }, 5350 { &hf_gtpv2_message_type, asked 05 Nov '14, 02:44 PKR closed 05 Nov '14, 02:55 grahamb ♦ |
This is a duplicate of https://ask.wireshark.org/questions/24221/decode-gtpv2-teid-as-decimal-or-hex
This is not a duplicate of above. Please check http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/trunk/epan/dissectors/packet-gtpv2.c?r1=51789&r2=51788&pathrev=51789
I am asking that similar change should apply to gtpv2.teid as well.
In the question I quoted you commented:
i.e. the same as the "new" question posted above.
Then @Pascal Quantin commented that this has been fixed in development versions, so this entire question is superfluous.
In addition, the place to make enhancement requests is the Wireshark Bugzilla, although asking questions about why things are done they way they are is appropriate for this site.