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Security of private data



I just collect traces on my laptop while taking wireshark trace, I sent emails with confidential content, can i have access to these confidential data on the tracks?

I spent calls through a softphone, can i have access to voice data (listenning my call) on the tracks?

In summary, how to have the data on track wireshark?

I use version 1.12.1

thank you

kind regards

asked 06 Nov '14, 02:42

DEEE's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


The majority of traffic today is encrypted using Transport Layer Security TLS
The whole purpose of this is that the private data cannot be read by anyone sniffing your traffic. So without access to the private key you cannot decrypt the data in a secured connection.

What do you mean with 'How to have the data on track wireshark?' ?

Regards Matthias

answered 07 Nov '14, 22:56

mrEEde's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%