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this frame is a suspected retransmission i get that a lot from wire shark what is it and how do i stop it


Retransmissions are triggered by duplicate acks or a retransmission timer expiring. In your case it's the client asking for the same segment over and over. The server's retransmitted segments never arrive at the client though - when they are a full MSS 1460 in size i saw this on the page someones answer i just need some explanation of what it is how do i stop it i have no clue

asked 08 Nov '14, 11:35

MostUnlikedOnPS4's gravatar image

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One Answer:


The description you're looking at there is one where a client isn't receiving a packet that the server is sending, and the way that condition is represented at the TCP level of a trace (ie: when the server's RTO timer expires without an ack for the segment, or when fast retransmission is triggered by duplicate ACKs from the client, the server retransmits).

As for "How do I stop it", that depends on the cause. There are all kinds of reasons why a client might not receive a packet sent to it from a server. "Why does packet loss happen" is too broad a question to answer in this way so I suggest you tailor your question to be specific to the scenario that you are looking at in your network, including details on the network topology and a sample trace if possible.

answered 08 Nov '14, 16:23

Quadratic's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%