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i also get this on expert infos in the columns


columns sequence tcp duplicate ack so far 34 and counting what is this?

asked 08 Nov '14, 11:39

MostUnlikedOnPS4's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Assuming you are seeing lots of duplicate acknowledgements with increasingly high dup ack numbers this means that you were sending out data at a high send rate and an early packet in the window was lost.
Duplicate acks indicate the receiving TCP has seen a packet out of order - either lost or delayed - and the arrival of the 3rd dup_ack triggers a fast retransmission at the sender.
This is not unusual to see and it is not indicative af a severe problem.

Regards Matthias

answered 10 Nov '14, 00:20

mrEEde's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%