I need support understanding these 4 lines. looks like tcp dump but im actully not understanding what exactly is happening here.
asked 17 Nov '14, 12:18 Kell90 |
One Answer:
This is a 3-way handshake between a linux client ( and a windows http server.
The 4th packet is a RESET of the connection - pretty early to my taste. So it looks like you are just checking whether the http server is active and operational. Network monitors do this often. PS.: Is this part of your homework??? answered 17 Nov '14, 12:44 mrEEde edited 17 Nov '14, 12:51 |
Thank you so much for the fast reply, my question now is where do you identify that the IP 128 is a linux client?
That comes form 20+ years experience of reading traces ... ;-)
OS details from 3 way handshake in trace can be derieved from Initial RWIN size, Find this link for more details, http://www.netresec.com/?page=Blog&month=2011-11&post=Passive-OS-Fingerprinting