hi, I have the same problem as this question but the difference is; the mac address of the sending data is not null but I'm not sure it is true. Here is the screenshot of package; https://dyp.im/delete/MUfY6HOPyFjXufXi Does the problem occur , though full of mac address? Osman asked 19 Nov '14, 01:59 otto33 converted to question 19 Nov '14, 02:10 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
The destination mac address is an IPv4 multicast one. The receiving host has to be a member of the multicast group by joining it to actually receive the datagrams. The group is usually handled by a switch. Putting the receiving host into promiscuous mode by starting a Wireshark capture allows it to receive the packet. answered 19 Nov '14, 02:14 grahamb ♦ |
thanks for reply, i dont want the software i use for receivng data should not depend on wireshark and i know that my encoder couldnt fill the mac adress correctly. i just want to know that the receiving OS drops the frame or not?