I'm generating a log from wireshark but I'm only interested about incoming packets of a node. As far a s I know, the only way to do it is to look at the IPv6 address in the destination field of 802.15.4, which is what I am capturing. Is there a way to filter based on 802.15.4 destination address? asked 19 Nov '14, 15:55 Bob3280 |
One Answer:
I don't have a 802.15.4 capture file, that contains IPv6 addresses. However, if Wireshark is able to decode and view that address, just go to that field, right click it and select "Apply as Column". You will then see the filter syntax in the Filter field. Take that as an example to build your own filter. Regards answered 20 Nov '14, 01:51 Kurt Knochner ♦ |