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labels in tshark?


i do apologize for a question i'm sure everyone on here knows except me. i have been to 10 pages and still am in the dark. i know what BOOLEAN/UNSIGNED INT/FRAME NUMER/ all mean in the display codes for tshark, but what exactly is a LABEL? think about it. as a newbie, i could refrence that to mean anything! a port number, protocol, string. they tell me NOTHING. so i ask you, where is a label reference sheet? i keep getting this error

-o tcp.contiuation_to: (it wants a LABEL. so i cant put FALSE/TRUE/etc)

once again, sorry for the stupid question but i truly am at a loss here

asked 19 Nov '14, 22:25

McKittrick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


There's no such field type as a "label". The field tcp.continuation_to has type "frame number", so its value is an integer value.

A filter expression that has only a field name tests whether the field is present in the frame; if you want to test whether "tcp.continuation_to" is present, you want a display filter (-Y) of "tcp.continuation_to", with no colon.

-o is for preferences; there is no such preference as "tcp.continuation_to", so there is nothing valid you can place after the colon in -o tcp.continuation_to:.

If you're trying to disable TCP reassembly, so that no frames will be marked as TCP continuations, you want the preference "tcp.desegment_tcp_streams", and it's a Boolean preference, so you'd specify -o tcp.desegment_tcp_streams:false to disable it.

answered 20 Nov '14, 00:33

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%