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How to patch in wireshark ?


I would like to do a patch that is given in the link...

How do i do this patch ? Please explain a step by step procedure to do any available patch.

Thanks and Regards

asked 20 Nov '14, 08:09

Anilal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


That change has been in Wireshark releases for a long time, nearly 2 years, maybe you have access to a released version that has it (1.10.x)?

If not, you will have to build your own version of Wireshark, see the Developers Guide and follow it to the letter.

answered 20 Nov '14, 08:16

grahamb's gravatar image

grahamb ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thank you. Yes i am using the version 1.10.6.

(20 Nov '14, 08:27) Anilal