I am using wireshark 1.10.6 on Ubuntu 14.04. I am able to dissect lte packets which comes over UDP. Thus all lte packets details are visible in wireshark. But I want to use PGM protocol for LTE stack development. I want to put LTE packet details on top of PGM protocol. There is no settings available for PGM protocol to dissect LTE packets. Like for UDP, setting avalable is "Try heuristic LTE-MAC over UDP framing". Is anyone have any idea? Is there any way so that I can use to build LTE frame on top of PGM protocol? asked 21 Nov '14, 06:08 atul edited 21 Nov '14, 06:10 |
One Answer:
You need to modify the source code so that LTE-MAC dissector registers itself in the PGM heuristic table (assuming that you use the same framing protocol than on UDP). Something like:
Hi pascal, Thank you for your suggestion. I have checked the source code, I think it will work.
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